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Our Lake


Summer Haven Lake Association, Inc is a membership organization located in Fremont, Nebraska. The enire property, i.e. lake, common areas and all of the lots, are held in joint ownershop by the Association.  The Association, in turn, has 53 shareholders, one for each cabin on the lake. Therefore, Summer Haven Lake is truly "our lake."



Summer Haven Lake is located just west of Fremont, Nebraska in Dodge County. The lake is situated between South Ridge Road and Big Island Road approximately 1 mile south of the Fremont State Lakes.  Summer Haven Lake is private with access gained through security gates. Although not open to the general public, friends and family are welcomed by invitation. 


Contact Us


News & Publications

Summer Haven Lake Association, Inc.

Shareholders Meeting

City Auditorium

925 N Broad Street

Fremont, NE 68025


Entrance facing directly to the north of the Metropolitan Community College building.


Parking available in lot to the west and across the street (east) from the City Auditorium, in the back(west) of Metropolitan College building, or street parking where indicated.


Fourth of July Celebration:

  • Fireworks 

  • Fishing Tournament  

  • Boat Parade

  • Golf Cart parade

  • Picnic



Construction Reminder


Please remember that all exterior construction and remodeling, including the installation of wells, septic systems and holding tanks need SHLA Board approval. Boathouse, docks or the placement of any other structures in the water must have written permission of the SHLA Board. Please contact Dudley Rinaker with all construction requests.



Please boat carefully!


Board Members
President - Tom Hershberger
Secretary - Denise Hamilton
Treasurer - Steve Getzfrid
VP Architecture - Dudley Rinaker
VP Lake Control - Larry Lockart
VP Communications - Jane Voorhies
VP Operations - Steve Mathison



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